Philharmonic Orchestra

Length: Year

Offered: Fall/Spring

9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade
Audition Required

Course Prerequisites: Audition required

Honors: Yes

Diploma Path

Weighted: Yes, half point

Directed Elective or Elective for All Diploma Paths, Fulfills a Fine Arts Requirement for the Core 40 Academic Honors Diploma

(Honors) Philharmonic Orchestra is composed of 9th-12th grade students who demonstrate above average levels of musicianship in their audition.

Philharmonic Orchestra will perform several times per year, including all orchestra concerts (4), ISSMA organizational contest, and other clinics as they arise.

Students in Philharmonic Orchestra can expect to perform grade level 2.5-3.5 repertoire, participating in ISSMA Group 2 large group contest.

Throughout the year, students will develop and refine the techniques and music theory required to perform at that level. This may include, but is not limited to; one, two, and three octave scales; vibrato; intermediate 3rd position shifting; interval identification; bow strokes; and more. Students begin to develop ensemble communication skills necessary for an advanced level of musical performance.

About Philharmonic Orchestra