Zionsville Orchestras

Zionsville Orchestras are comprised of four groups. Course summaries are below, click on the photos for a more detailed description.

Concert Orchestra

9th grade orchestra – no audition required

Encompasses all incoming 9th grade students, unless they audition to another group (see below).

Focuses on refining instrument-specific fundamental technique, ensemble skills, and music theory (including note and rhythm reading) necessary to progress in high school orchestra.

Sinfonia Orchestra

10th – 12th grade developmental orchestra – no audition required

Pre-requisite: 9th grade orchestra

Develops instrument-specific intermediate techniques including shifting, vibrato, and bow strokes. Introduces musical concepts needed for more complex music.

Philharmonic Orchestra

9th – 12th grade intermediate orchestra – by audition only

Advanced 9th grade students may audition into this orchestra.

Refines intermediate instrumental technique and introduces advanced techniques. Students auditioning for this ensemble should be confident playing in 1st-3rd positions in keys with up to 3 sharps and 3 flats.

Chamber Orchestra

9th – 12th grade advanced orchestra – by audition only

Highly advanced 9th grade students may audition into this orchestra.

Chamber Orchestra performs grade 4-5 music.

Students auditioning for this ensemble should be confident playing in 1st-5th positions in keys with up to 4 sharps and 4 flats.